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self analysis is nothing but a self help

We check our self how much we are right and how much we are wrong.

Want to make each day Accountable

I think we should make our mind such that we don't commit mistakes.
Its upto us,how we do it.

yes thats true, but how do we do that unless we analyse our actions .As human beings we can never be perfect and mistakes are bound to happen, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly...

We are not always good at our Analysis.
According to us,it may be right, but according to the universe,it may be wrong.

when you make a self analysis it is an impartial introspection about your days activities and interactions with others and whether there was anything that needs to be done to make things better etc etc it really does not concern anyone else and one need not really bother about the universe.You cannot please all even if you are right all the time..

What i want to say that From ourside,we could say that we are right, But we can't be right always.

When you feel you are right, you have to be right, otherwise you hesitate to say so because to come to such a conclusion one has to analyse the situation from all angles..It doesn't really matter what others think, as long as your conscience is clear nothing else matters and one should not hesitate to say one is right in such circumstances.

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It's really a nice way to understand ourself and I think once in a while we need to follow it :)

Once in a way is fine, but doing it on a regular basis is definitely even better since it keeps you on your toes by sharpening your senses..

I agree then it should be part of yoga and other mind controlling exercises ?
yes, It is said that before you see others back first correct your back.. means it is tough to see our back but easy others... :dry: :dry: :dry:

even though it is tough, first we have to correct ourselves before criticizing or judging others..... :silly: :silly: :silly:

it will definitely make us a good one to all... :) :)
self analysis is nothing but a self help

Yes , but in a different way altogether.You are helping your self by owning up to your faults when it is necessary and also being confident when you are right !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

We need to see when we have committed faults and have to improve. That's it !

Want to make each day Accountable

self analysis is nothing but a self help

Self analysis makes a man more and more perfect.
Self analysis is must for every person. With out knowing our strength we cannot do the things which are more tough to us.

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Self analysis is must for every person. With out knowing our strength we cannot do the things which are more tough to us.

Know your Strengths and weaknesses too !That's where self analysis is even more useful because most people never want to admit to any negative aspects about themselves and that's what needs to be fine tuned :dry:

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

yes, self analysis always helps us for moving on the right path in the life.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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