I use DELL INSPIRON 6400 laptop with Vista installed in it. Suddenly the hard disk crashed!!!!!!

:( :( :(
I don't know whats happeneing to my system. It already has battery problem, where in the battery is not charging properly. And always needs to keep charging while doing my work.

Can anyone know such S/W that could repair my hardware and retrieve the data??? I have many articles an data in that laptop!!!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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Try to install operating system again without formatting disk. if it done properly then only your desktop item will remove other will remain. If it need formatting then you need to attach your hard drive with other working system to recover data. no other option.

Santosh Kumar Singh


My system is not recognizing the hard disk for carrying out any operation.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Santosh, i have already tried installing OS......
it havent worked... :(

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Try to change RAM then try to install os once again. If your hard disk crashed then formatting needed otherwise put hard disk to working system use any data recovery software to recover data then format it.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Deepti wrote:
[quote]Santosh, i have already tried installing OS......
it havent worked... :([/quote]

Mam if it is in warranty period then you should call Dell customer care for help. I think you should not take any chance regarding laptop hardware. It can also makes more loss to you.
Lohit is right. But i would like to add one thing it would be prudent to call Dell customer care even if it is not within the warranty period.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
Laptop is not under warranty period now!!! I have tried changing the hard disk with the other.. I think the hard disk is not recognizing...and gives the error as "No bootable devices found"

Thanks 'n' Regards,
If you can remove your hard disk manually,then, remove it.Keep it in Air tight and water proof plastic bag.
Now,Keep this Bag in deep freezer(ice section).keep it for 10 to 15 minutes.take it out of freezer and install it again in laptop.
remember to disconnect all power supply while removing and installing HDD.If HDD was crashed ,there is a good chance that cooling it will revive your Hard disk.It will give enough time to move your data to another HDD.

Hopefully,it is going to work as it worked for me.Don't put HDD directly into freezer after removing from laptop if its hot.let it cool down in room temperature.
It is sorry to know this news.I can just read all these suggestions only.
@bhanu... I will try this out.... thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
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