How many have join website?

Santosh Kumar Singh


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I do not know who is the first one to join blognagr from boddunan but I have joined so many days back
I also have join but not posted much blogs yet. Only one small blog created by me. But in future i will work there as per our time availability.

Santosh Kumar Singh


It will be better santosh if you write all your future logs in
It will help Boddunan to get adsense revenue sharing approval soon
Yes why not I will do my best for blognagar in future. I will try my best.

Santosh Kumar Singh


i HAD JOINED YET DUE TO LACK OF TIME.bUTWISH TO JOIN AND POST BLOGS SOON.Already I have two English blogs and half a dozen in my local language.

Visit my blogs:
Time problem is with every user because members are working on different different site. so maintaining all work is very difficult.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I have no idea about blogging.So not joined yet.But in future may.
If you do not know about blogging then you shoul join this site to learn blog writing. just start to learn then earn.

Santosh Kumar Singh


ya i like writing articles in blogs
Its useful, I am going to be join.
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