I am opposed to the practice of displaying the cash credit that an article earns on the article page itself mainly because an otherwise good article which has not been favoured with good cash crdit, may induce some kind negativity in the minds of the readers.What do you think?
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There is no way to adjudge an article as otherwise good one. The quality of an article is subjective one. We have no option to hold that the opinion of editor is final. Even if cash credit is not displayed, the display of points will also result in similar negativity. I think that neither cash nor points should be displayed. The popularity of articles is better indicated by number of hits.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I agree that both should not be there and let the readers go straight into it without any negative or postitive feelings generated out of this exercise.
I think reflecting cash credits with the articles should continue because cash awarded to any article is not only an evaluation of the creative work done by the author.

It also shows the compatibility and capability of the moderator / editor of the site who evaluates the creative work.

The world is watching everyone of us and we all are under critical scanner of the global community.

Harish Jharia
While I do agree that the performance is subject to the scrutiny of the 'global community' and any editorial exercise can come in the way of the fair assessment by the 'global community'. I can readily cite many articles which rank low in terms of cash credits but highly appreciated by the 'global community' and what happens in those cases.It leaves a big question mark on the editorial evaluation!
Please read my message carefully... I have already written the same matter...

This is a barometer for the evaluators also.

Harish Jharia
Cash credit display has both advantage and disadvantage.A new member can understand how much he will get for an article when he sees the article.At the same time if the credit is low he may not post even a single article.

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Low amount lower than Rs 10 may be avoided from displaying there.
anbuL wrote:
[quote]Low amount lower than Rs 10 may be avoided from displaying there.[/quote]

It cannot be done as we have to give equal opportunity to every article to be displayed. Low credit does not mean it is not interesting article.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick


Sorry! I am not convinced of your argument! The cash credit which an article earns does reflect its overall rating.
I agree that both should not be there
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