On 15th March in 1985 Internet which has heralded a revolution in the field of communication and turned the globe into a small village, has completed its 25 years of existence.There has been a phenomenal growth in the number of dotcom companies with their varied and rich content and in the number of users who are accessing the networld at the click of a mouse. In fact boddunan the platform which we are using to share our thoughts,ideas and our pleasures and sorrows, is a gift of the internet. Everything has got its seamy side but on the whole the smoother sides of internet are too many to think of its seamy side! What are your thoughts?
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This is a very informative writeup. The silver jubilee of internet is a matter of rejoice for all internet fans. I regret not having seen this thread earlier.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks a lot,Gulshan for reviving this thread and in the forum I find that some other old and relevant threads covering topics of great interest are being brought up for discussion by you.It's a laudable initiative on your part.I was a little disheartened that an event as momentous as this escaped the attention of even the moderator. Today if we are exchanging ideas and thoughts through the platform boddunan it is because of this dot.com revolution and it speaks volumes of how serious issues are treated by most of the members.

thanks very much for the information you provided .

this is very much appreciable thing.
Internet has a prominent role in giving the world a new look...
Internet is really awesome..

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Thanks a lot for being appreciative!
chinmoymukherjee wrote:

Thanks a lot for being appreciative![/quote]

But i heard that internet revolution started from the year 1995. Is this true?? If so can you give the specific reason for it ??

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It was Symbolics Computers of Cambridge, Massachusetts that registered its first domain on 15th march,1985 and taking it as the base on 15th of this month the dotcom age completed its 25th years of its existence.Hope it clarifies the whole thing.
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