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Count 673

IC 5

Mughal Emperor == Aurangzeb
Count 674....

IC 111... :)

Aurangzeb === Dahod

:) :) :)
Count 675

IC 188

Dahod == Dudhimati...

Dahod is on the banks of river Dudhimati..


Thanks 'n' Regards,
Count 676....

IC 112...

Dudhimati === River

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Count 676


Dudhimati == Gothmanglod temple

So its your turn to relate banks of river......................

Dadhimati Temple - Also known as Gothmanglod temple

Santosh Kumar Singh


Count 678....

IC 112...

Gothmanglod Temple ==== Rajasthan

:) :) :) :)
Count 679

IC 6

Rajasthan == Camels
Count 680....

IC 113...

Camels === India

:P :P
Count 681....

IC ...

India === Manmohan Singh

So your turn to relate Shri Manmohan Singh

Santosh Kumar Singh


Count 682....

IC 114...

Manmohan Singh ==== Prime Minister

:) :) :)
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