Gideon Sundback's 132nd birthday: Google pays tribute with a doodle

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well this is really innovative by google

i wish someone would invent zip for mouths so we can zip the person's mouth..hhaha

or better zip for ears will be better, we can zip our own ears!!!

so much torture can be averted!!

Swetha Shenoy
Yes todays google logo is showing this.happy birthday to
Gideon Sundback
Today, when I just opened the google, I saw this zip image. I wondered whether today, our google search engine is closed :woohoo: :woohoo: :S :S

Meera sandhu
I found the image in google and really great to click on the zip :woohoo:
I found the image in google and really great to click on the zip :woohoo:

Yes, till now it's closed...ha ha :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Ya today i seen the image on google. Its really nice that google has designed the front page as closed by zip. Good idea of google to aware people about zip inventor. :)

Did any body see yesterday's google doodle,it is dedicated to Robert Moog's 78th Birthday.Robert Moog is founder of moog music.I haven't know that any Indian which tribute by google,is any body know?
calculus law of exponential change
Today i come to know that Zip is invented 132 year back......Nice sharing.......
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