Dear friends .
Our site is getting popular day by day but still we are in growing stage but we can grow in a faster way if we will have more than 5000 members.

So please friends who ever have got paid from please post your cheque proof in orkut album and refer your link in orkut so that we can get moire number of members soon.
Then only we can grow in a very fast process.
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Yes Das,
All paid members will post their payment proof after they receive their cheques.

But members remember to cover the sensitive information.

-Atul Barapatre
Hi Soubhagya,

Can you cover the signature as well in your payment proof. People can misuse it.

- Maverick

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Hello soubhagya das,

I do agree with you that we all, together make all-out efforts to make one of the top most popular sites.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello soubhagya das,

Right now the rapport between the members and the site administration is the best possible and that will help a lot for leaps and bounds success of the site.

Mutual trust and respect encourage the authors to write quality articles and maintain the high level of standard of any site.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
I was active on some other sites since last 5 years. But, none of the moderators over their were approachable nor interested to maintain personal touch with the members.They just give some useless points and award levels.
Whereas here on boddunan, the moderators are also active members and easily available to help and answer our quiries.
Plus cash rewards is an added attraction.
Great moderators and good members.

Hello friends,

The members / users and the moderators both are from the same crowd of internet users. Both of the people know what is genuine and what is fake form the other side.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Hello friends,

The field of trust is the point where has scored over others. Everyone of us including moderators are down to earth simple and transparent. hence there is no doubt about the success of this site.

- Harish Jharia

Harish Jharia
Maverick I have cover the signature from my cheque proof
You are right Harish
Growing of site fully depends upon members but to keep them active
Adminstrations of site should be strong and they are maintain very well
Yes friends,
Members and higher members will only make this website touch sky.
Active participation of members prove that we are growing wide and tall. We have grown at a fast speed in last 3 months.

-Atul Barapatre
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