Friends, the air show tragedy yesterday in Hyderabad which has claimed a few precious lives has once again thrown up the question whether holding of such shows should at all be permitted in areas inhabited by large number of people. What do you think?
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Yes, it is not at all wise, they should be conducted in remote areas, especially on beach sides, when water is there, in case anything happens. But, even then for Air shows, many people will gather, these persons should be atleast encouraged to watch from a distance
No. It is totally unwise. The armed forces should be more concerned with war preparation rather than organizing such senseless shows detrimental to public security.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

When I saw the wrecked building the same question aroused in mind eventhough the death toll is low.

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Abid- death toll is small. However, any untimely and avoidable death is a matter of concern. every life is precious. The armed forces should not risk men and civilians just for making show of strength.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Before conducting these type of shows...Authorities should have tested the intensity of population and should have been aware of the possible dangers that may occur...Really its a sad note that 3 precious lives were lost including a civilian....

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There is no point in holding any exercises by armed forces just for show of strength or cheap publicity or gimmicks. The armed forces, state police and other para military forces would do well to actively safeguard the borders, prevent terrorist attacks and insurgency by internal subversive forces.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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