THose using tweeter may please explain in this forum how to earn money from tweeter?

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Some programmes are there which gives you money for tweeting about their products etc. But they have many criteria like 50 followers etc.

The amount per tweet is not so high and we cannot say how much trustworthy are those sites.. Don't waste your time without knowing about it in detail...

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Will tweeter pay you?? I don't know this. Thanks for the info. :)

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Twitter is not handling such programmes and they won't pay you. These types of programmes are carried out by some other sites. So, can't say how much trust worthy are they...

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Why should you go behind all these ? Concentrate on one and earn maximum from that.
Yes---- thats good. We have good opportunity to earn here.

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Thanks Jobin I have added your Karma!

I have never used it and i wanted to know why people are so crazy about it.

Click the below link for news which you can use:NeWsYoUCaNUsE
I was there in tweeter but i dont know that it also pays us . thanks for the information.
I think only I know about it will post about it tomorrow.
Now its time to sleep.
We can earn money from twitter as it is best way to promote different sites as well but you should have good amount of followers over there!!!
Thanks to you all...I didn't know that twitter pays and I don't even have a twitter account...but as Jobin said I think it's a waste of time to enter something without knowing much...

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
There are different sites from where we can tweet on twitter and if those tweets are clicked by other people then we get something for that!! But most sites these days should have clicks from US.
So you should have a good amount of international followers.
It is not that hard!!!
But getting follower is little tough job!!
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