Hello friends, in india we daily see, there are a lot of problems for the love couples who wanna to do intercast marriages, but many people do murders and a lot of bad works to stop it. why..? why people fight, if two different people are going to be one..
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CAST SYSTEM IS A CURSE TO INDIA.!...in geeta it was said tht everyone is divided into four basic caste based on "GUNA AND KARMA=QUALITY AND WORK" and NOT BY BIRTH...u knw this division ws even given to TREES nd ELEMENTS...sandalwood and all ws under bramin etc...some reactive elements come under Kshatriya..like tht...but this ws seriously misinterpreted on purpose and caste system was formed....
It will take time to completely wipe out this but its not impossible..
Now-a-days I don't think that "Cast" is a problem...
Now people are becoming more aware of the world and they are not being orthodox!

Thanks 'n' Regards,
Oh MC.. has given us some Geet Upadesh!, but it is good that caste system is slowly being wiped out., atleast curbed.

It is all in the mindset of the people and perhaps today's generation can remove it 90-95%, if not 100%. Further, the older ppl are more concerned about what the society says, than their individual thinking..
Marriages are made in heaven. This is a well known saying. When two people meet and their marriage is solemnized, it is believed that this is the wish of god.

Marriage is a sacred institution which binds both the woman and man in a pious relation. It gives this relation a meaning. When a marriage takes place, two souls are united and this opens new vistas in their lives. But,human beings are so selfish that have virtually spoilt the sacredness of these relations.


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Intercaste marriage is still prevailing in India because people here believe that everyone should obey the society and when an Inter caste marriage is done their family will be denied the respect and prejudice which they have and this is seen every where.When God created men and women, he has not assigned any caste on them. So,how can the human beings divide God's created world into castes and communities.

Customs and religions practiced were so strict and merciless that even sometimes the boy and girl were hacked to death by their own family members due to the pressures from the society.

Every boy and girl who wanted to be one and who are in different castes has to run for their life and hide till the cries suffice..

There are still instances where both are killed or either of them is killed for the sake of caste and prejudice...

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In rural areas of Rajasthan, Haryana and West Uttar Pradesh, there are strict social restrictions on inter caste as well as within the Ghotra marriages. It is not possible to break the caste barriers by mere legislation. There are also child marriages in many places. We need a strong social and cultural revolutionary movement by right thinking dedicated people especially youth

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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