Why cant men and women be friends? i mean common its high time we stop portraying ourselves as the ultra modern people and behave like hypocrites. Its a very simple fact that there are some men and women who share just plain friendship. Period. there is no hidden relation or feelings in it. What on this earth makes them, the society think that a man and women will always end up in sexual relationship? its time that they stop thinking from their bottoms and rather leave that part to the brain.
you cannot always think and talk about breasts and penis man! there is much more in this life to talk and think about.

We send text , we watch movies ,go out for lunch or a dinner but that does not mean we are thinking sexual about each other or fantasize each other in our bedrooms. And by the way its our life our relationships
Its an irony that people who are cheating their partners and think that no one knows about them, creates the fuss most of the time. I want to ASK people why do you think that opposite sex ppl cannot share friendly relations


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The relations between opposite gender may not be always sex. For centuries, there has been a sort of apartheid prohibiting free mingling of men and women. This has distorted thinking. As now many women are coming out of their family circles for education and job, the healthy gender relations will develop.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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