"Choice is an illusion. In reality, our lives are controlled by the society in which we live."

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It is said- Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains. Undoubtedly, everyone is bound by law, rules, social norms and circumstances. However one has still a personality of his own and in certain respects can take his independent decisions. The capacity for independent decisions and functioning is not same for all. There are some who change the society. Raja Ram Mohan Roy is one very significant personality who changed the society by abolition of Sati. Another notable personality is Abraham Lincoln, who abolished slavery in U.S.A. by waging civil war.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Only the worldly life what we see out side is bound by all the chains. But the inner soul does not have any bondage and it is free of all trouble. Only thing is we have to realize it. This is what great philosophers have said about this issue.
The inner soul and all talk of spirituality is myth. This can be easily grasped by the fact that notion of heaven and hell and other world also shaped after our real life and the description in scriptures. So the concept of a westerner and easterner will differ on notion of spirit, ghost, God etc.
It is futile to think about anything not relevant to real and material world in which we really live.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It's a relative truth that our choice is cirsumscribed by societal realities but it is for the common and the average.In different ages we have had greats who were and are capable of leading lives of their own choice!
To begin with, man was free as social relations were not complex. Gradually, with development, social relations became complex and lot of restrictions were placed. This resulted in loss of individual liberty for sake of social conformity.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Individual liberty should always be subjected to collective well-being of society and it should not be allowed to degenerate into a license to do whatever one feels like.
I agree Chinmoy. Individual liberty is subject to social interest. Personal liberty just means that all are treated equally or in an equitable manner and restrictions if any n individuals should be uniform to all and reasonable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Man is mortal, scenseble and ideology, thinking power and decesion making has only the human personality only.

In reality, our lives are controlled by the society Choice is an illusion.
K.S.S. Babu. It is right that our lives are controlled by society. We are bound by social, legal and community norms and traditions. However even within these restrictions, we have a lot of freedom. We can make choice according to our talent and nature while broadly adhering to social norms. You may choose your dress, type of accommodation, career, your spouse, friends, independent thoughts and influence people. Choice does not mean that you must negate everything. It is also not really necessary. We must accept most of social traditions and also strike at harmful traditions like Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

A very pertinent point has been made by Gulshan.What we need to be conscious about choices we make is the imperatives of appropriate balance between individual and collective choices.
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