There is an increasing need to regulate the activities of realtors,builders in India. They hoodwink buyers in all kinds of shady practices in the form of using sub-standdard materials, non-registration etc. What are your views?
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Sheer exploitation of innocent consumers. They never fulfill the promises they make at the time of showing the model home they build to attract the would e consumers. Later when it comes to usage of common parking and utilities and their additional charges, that makes the deal real different. Yes every thing should be in black and white in the first place.

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This particular field is invaded by people of shady characters using musclemen and goons with deep political nexus with leaders!
They knnow the case goes on and on if taken to court. Consumer courts are of very little help in such cases. Besides those goons as you said can make it life difficult. Residential societies are so helpless.

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Actually, I don't have much knowledge about answering this question :dry: . In my limits, I will try to post a reply.
As, you both have told, reality business belongs to a big group, of course rich people who have both money power and political power in hand. Then, of course, a mafia power of muscle men to perform their activities.
I think many laws are still there according to Indian constitution, that are not properly implemented. Actually, common people don't know most of the laws. Am I not right?
A building should be built , can't remember correct figure...that much meters from the road. But most buildings and flats are not so. Builders give some money to 'men at top' and get signed the assignment. I am sure, in almost all cities in India, new constructions are not put on, implementing all these rules and regulations. Am I right?
Before investing money for a flat, people should have at least minimum knowledge about all procedures and laws. If so, builders can't exploit poor people that much.
Of course, as time pass by, many rules and regulations are needed to be changed to afford present conditions, for sure.

I am not sure, whether I have added some points to your question. Even then, I tried :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
I think the problems which plague this particular sector stems from criminal collusion amongs the builders,municpal authorities and various government agencies. Builders construct additional storeys in violation of the sanctioned plans with full knowledge of the authorities. These violations are regularised with payments of paltry amount of fines.These corrupt builders sell flats without obtaining final clearance of inspectors.They flout all safety norms as to use of standard materials,fire saftey,earth quakes etc.
The real estate operators are the worst cheats. Housing is basic need and people spend almost whole life saving and even borrow for a flat. This sector needs very strict regulation on pollution, safety, quality issues and adherence to plans. There need be a very effective platform for the consumers to seek redress.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

[quote]think the problems which plague this particular sector stems from criminal collusion amongs the builders,municpal authorities and various government agencies. Builders construct additional storeys in violation of the sanctioned plans with full knowledge of the authorities. These violations are regularised with payments of paltry amount of fines.These corrupt builders sell flats without obtaining final clearance of inspectors.They flout all safety norms as to use of standard materials,fire saftey,earth quakes etc. [/quote]

These builders have a very strong unified lobby and they also have a very strong hold over the government, Mumbai being the best example! These builders influence greatly the decisions related to policies of building sector and also dictate the prices of land, houses and so on! The ratio of what a consumer has to pay for a tiny flat and the money that is earned against that flat is nowhere justifiable!

Where a common man has to keep paying off loans for that flat for 20-30 years along with hefty interest rates, the builders become millionaires and then billionaires!

There is a serious need of strict regulations in place against this all!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Here the irony lies in the fact that all administrative powers are already there and what we are witnessing is an unholy nexus!
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