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This is very good information shared here. Thanks for the link. But whatever we advice to smokers, they dont even care about.:(

Really this can be so tempting and I may start smoking again after quitting it eight years before. I think this better to ave bacteria than cancer.

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But, I think number of smokers have reduced very much in a past decade or so. But alchohol addicts have increased three fold in number. Isn't it? :evil:

Meera sandhu
Ram , is there good bacteria and bad bacteria?
I know due to smoking lungs will get spoiled.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yaar I know there are so many side effects of smoking but we can't stop people from smoking as they say there never worry from it.
What ever it is they are the responsible for their health they know everything of health hazards but they don't care.

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I feel, drinking is better than smoking. Because by drinking the person who is drinking only suffer. But by smoking the person who is smoking and the people around them also suffer.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes that is known as passive smoking worse than smoking.

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