It is often said, as time passes by, we will forget even our deep sorrows and agonies. Do u agree? Can TIME completely erase the pain and sorrow without even a single mark?

Meera sandhu
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Time CAN BE the best medicine, but not always so. As time passes, the wounds of grief and sorrow can only be softened but the marks and memories can never be erased. It can be called a salve to lessen the pain, but not medicine to forget or heal completely!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Time is the best healer. Sorrow and agonies are related to intensity of feeling. The memories fade with passage of time. This is more for eventful personalities. New events overshadow the past and thus help in reducing or eradicating bitter memories.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The marks can not be erased.But definitely the time can reduce our pain.
If the pains are really hard then those can be hard to forget but we should remind the blunder mistakes if done in order to not to repeat them again.
It depends upon the event and situation.Some events can not be erased but this is correct that time helps to forget many things.
It is really true that time is the best medicine to forget our griefs. But it is not the ultimate solution. Actually, what happens is, when something unpleasant is happening to our life, we are trying to forget it, without even trying to wait for the great doctor-TIME. We change the direction of our path and select another path and try to comfort our mind with our own resolutions (may be right or wrong). So, while we are travelling a new direction, of course, we forget our early path. Same as the case of, even the most familiar path will be erased from our mind if we have not use it for quiet a long time. THIS IS MY ANSWER.

Meera sandhu
Time is best medicine but few events leave their mark on your heart and can never be forgotten.
when good time follows you really tend to forget about your yes time is the best healer you can say......

This is true that as time passes the sorrows will go away from our mind but its marks will be.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is human tendency. Every sorrow gets healed as time passes by but if that sorrow was deep enough to hurt you, you try to forget but remains somewhere in your heart and suddenly similar situation comes, where in those memories takes re-birth and you start thinking about those.
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