Today is Friday the 13th and Paraskevidekatriaphobia is not a jumble word, it means hte 'fear of friday the 13th' you too fear this dreaded day?
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Can you tell me what this paraskevidekartriaphobia. what the reason behind to have fear of 13th friday phobia. what the history behind this?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

well friday the 13th is a well known unlucky must have seen/heard of the movie friday the 13th..i dont quite know the history but will look it up.
the result of the fear is that it causes loss of about USD 900 million each year as people dont fly or do any business on this day.
[quote]Paraskevidekatriaphobia [/quote]
new word to me.Any way I don't believe this ie unlucky 13.
maybe not you but many do...for instance..In chandigarh sector 12 and sector 14 are there but sector 13 is missing!!!
This is very surprising In our state Many believes but officially 13 is present everywhere,in street also.
I have heard, there are no rooms in hotels with number 13. Is it right? Then about fridays, friday is already considered to be a ghost day in many myths.

Meera sandhu

Today I learn a new word....
I don't believe on 13th Friday unlucky day...

I am not afraid of any date. This is baseless and a superstition.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Vinodh, Please see the following link for your query. This gives meaning and history of the term.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I know that US people have a sentiment that 13 number is unlucky as in India at andhrapradesh 7 is unlucky.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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