180 Indians released from Pakistan jail.

Pakistan on Saturday released 180 Indian nationals including 179 fishermen, imprisoned for violating territorial waters, as part of measures to normalise relations with India.

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This is a good news, and i don't know till now that Indians are got prisioned by pakisthan

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes Sarala till now many Indians got prisoned in Pakistan,like Sabarjit Singh.They should be released immediately.

I have not heard that the Indians are imprisoned in Pakistan.Is there any pakistani imprisoned in India.
Yes Sarala till now many Indians got prisoned in Pakistan,like Sabarjit Singh.They should be released immediately.

The case of Sabarjit singh differs from fishermen. The fishermen fish in territorial water. The national boundary is not so clear. Hence the fishermen unintentionally cross the area. There needs be a permanent solution to this. India and Pakistan should workout a plan to allow fishermen of both countries to fish in each other's territory. The fishermen of both countries could be issued permits for this.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

This is good news for the indians and their family members they will celebrate this new year grandly.

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