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Photo 1 - " Impact of War"

The image below clearly describes the real situation about the worse effect of war. Many innocent people suffer due to war and mainly Children suffer the most.

What is the solution? - No war, no fight - Only peace
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images17.jpeg (You do not have access to download this file.)

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The love a mother has on a child is really wonderful and we all know how it will be. But there are still orphans in this world who do not know mother's love. If only people adopt a kid and love them as their child. The following is the photo i came across is an orphan from the Haiti disaster.

Your one click makes their day, please help them:
this is the situation of the people after the war.the ordinary people do not start a war but he they are the sufferers.
Oh....That innocent face ...Does he know all of his relatives had gone forever...really tragic.
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This is a rose in my balcony,bloomed on my birthday;4th Feb 2010

This is a way of Nature telling me that I am not alone on my Birthday.

Swetha Shenoy
Hi Swetha, This is really a superb photo

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