The recent studies found that the children who will feed their mother milk gets more iq.

Children feeding milk in days iq ratio.

4-6 months 2.6

More than 6 months 3.8

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Breast milk is natural food for babies and this must be promoted.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

thats good to know that mothers milk is good for babies and for their IQ

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

But now a days mothers are not showing interest to give milk to their children.

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Mother milk is healthiest for babies.
It has been found that breastfeeding significantly improves the IQ of children. One such study conducted by Canada's McGill University involving 14,000 children concluded in its report published that breastfed babies performed better in IQ tests by the age of six. The researchers found that those who breastfed exclusively for the first three months – with many also continuing to 12 months – scored an average of 5.9 points higher on IQ tests in childhood.

Be positive
It is for these innumerable benefits that every mother must breastfeed her baby. It’s the best gift a mother can give her baby .

Be positive
Giving milk to the baby by mother is also healthy for the mother only or else there will be alot of health problems occurs in mother also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Breast milk is the natural food of babies at ;east upto the age of six months, but this practice is being discontinued because most mothers work outside home now, a sad loss for them and the babies!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

We must encourage the breast milk feeding as it has lot of benefit for the baby.
This is widely known and well publicized. Apart from IQ,a child's immunity against numerous diseases is obtained from it!
Breast milk also suits a baby better than than other milk and hence for proper growth, digestion and overall growth of babies mothers should try their level best to breast feed their baby at least for six months...!
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