What is an illusion.How we can say it was an illusioned object.

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Illusion is an imagination.We can say by our feel whether it is a illusioned object or not.In telugu "bhrama" and in hindi "vayham or Bhram".

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

according to wikipedia--An illusion is a distortion of the senses, revealing how the brain normally organizes and interprets sensory stimulation.
Illusion you can say the imagination of eyes. like when we are walking on the long highway in summer it seems to us that the road next to us is going upward but it is not that similarly pond is imagined in desert with trees which is an illusion only nothing real.
Illusion is nothing but cheating of our brain.it all will happen in our brain only.

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Wow what definition you have given sasikanth in very simple and easy words.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

as sasikanth said it is cheating yor brain...here is an example...
Sarala for more information you can see discovery channel every sunday at 10 am.

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An illusion is something not real and looks real for some time. The illusions are temporary. If this is not illusion, you will always consider this real. Hence, when you feel that something that you felt real was in fact unreal, you can say that this was an illusion.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan ji Your explanation is nice but having me confusion like illusion.

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Gulshan ji Your explanation is nice but having me confusion like illusion.

Now is there any confusion? When we consider something real but later proves false, we say this is illusion. A dream is also an illusion. As long as you dream. this is real or appears real. But when you wake up, you discover that this is an illusion.

Please see link below for better understanding:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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