What is a problem.How we can describe the it.Why it is called as problem.

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Problem can be defined as that moment in life which requires much thinking, more extensive use of brain, application of certain strategies to get the answer.
anything in which we feel difficult to face it is called problem.
Any issue that needs solution is a problem. This may be some difficulty or obstacle needing resolution. For more discussion see:


G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

when you think solution is not in your hands and it would be tough to find easy way out is a problem according to me.
Problem is a thing which an unexpected or expected thing is going to happen or happend against a thing

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If I try to define problem, it ought to be....."Any change of our present clear mind(mental condition) to restlessness, even minute"

Meera sandhu
problem is something for which we don't have an instant solution.

Whatever we do not find easy to solve in any field of life, is known as problem. The moment we solve it, this is no problem.

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The thing which troubles us is known as problem which we face in our life in all levels that is highlevel, low level and even middle level too

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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