the helplessness of a father...
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Its story of every home children enjoy and father suffer always becuaue joy come from money and money come from work hard so keep working to give enjoyment to your family.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Father does hard work and earn money to keep their children happy, but at the same time, children needs to understand the value of money.
I don't think so. If bondage of love is strong, child will obey his parents, be it for ipod or anything else.
I don't think so. If bondage of love is strong, child will obey his parents, be it for ipod or anything else.

this is just a funny depiction. if the father has the money he will buy those things for the child..after all he is working for the children....
Now a days the electronics devices occupied our time more.
Father and mother are only persons we have in our life who give us everything for our comfort .
The father must be enjoying to see his children joyous with the gadgets. Otherwise he would not have bought for them.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The father must be enjoying to see his children joyous with the gadgets. Otherwise he would not have bought for them.

true....gulshanji...this is just funny picture which shows how children might be influenced by these new gadgets and how they never think of the money involved in buying it.....
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