Above photo is from a Swiss Magazine Schweizer Illustriertein (November 1991) – it shows the top holders of Swiss bank accounts at the time.
Rajiv appears in the august company of other dictators like Saddam Hussein, Suharto of Indonesia, etc.
The text below Rajiv’s photo reads: Rajiv Gandhi, Indian, Holds 2.5 billion Swiss Francs (eq. to 13,200 Crores in 1991).
Till date, the Congress party has never refuted / spoken about these allegations.
These are our great leaders on whose birth & death anniversaries the government uses the tax payer’s money to lavishly advertise their so-called ‘achievements’ in all national newspapers ! and name Airports, Highways etc built by our money on their names !!
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Rajiv.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

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This shows how the people are cheated by the politicians .

According to me, past has gone. It has nothing to do with the present and future. It cannot be changed. Lets discuss about good and possitive aspect and not the negative ones.
I thing this is wrong and created by newspaper to under estimate him.

this issue was evident many years back too. but many of us ignore it. it is hard to believe that a leader we have respected all these years have committed corruption.maybe..truth is stranger than fiction...
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