Govt to provide countrywide optical fibre broadband
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Why Govt to provide country wise optical fibre broadband. Could you tell me purpose of this post.

Santosh Kumar Singh


To whom they are providing the fibre broad band.It is usefull to us.

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Why Govt to provide country wise optical fibre broadband. Could you tell me purpose of this post.

The countrywide optical fibre broadband will be available to all operators. For more details please see the link:

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Why Govt to provide country wise optical fibre broadband. Could you tell me purpose of this post.

The countrywide optical fibre broadband will be available to all operators. For more details please see the link:

Thanks Gulshanji for providing the link.
This is good. Optical fibre is modern broadband service. Nice thing.
This is good that the government would facilitate countrywide fiber broadband but it would be even better if it would try to make it cheap and come up with cheap unlimited internet data usage plans...!
Please Omit...!
I think this is an old news .this decision was taken by Govt a long ago.
INTERNET users in the country are increasing day by day in the country. hence this idea has to be appreciated....
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