the government is not looking at raising prices for now of subsidised diesel, kerosene and cooking LPG despite oil PSUs losing a record Rs 360 crore per day.
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this is really good news for the people.
This will create more problem for poor and middle class.The government must look at this when increasing.

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The decision not to raise prices of Diesel and LPG is not for any genuine concern for people. This is only for votes in the state assembly elections approaching soon.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

The decision not to raise prices of Diesel and LPG is not for any genuine concern for people. This is only for votes in the state assembly elections approaching soon.

I agree with your point. This is just because of elections are just around the corner.
This is abnormal increase in price level. Government should at first look into this matter seriously.
this is really good news for the people.

This is not good news for us. May be good for businessmen.
Point of Gulshanji is correct.but it is a good news to middleclas family.
The decision not to raise prices of Diesel and LPG is not for any genuine concern for people. This is only for votes in the state assembly elections approaching soon.

the decision not to increase the diesel prices is mainly as a measure to reduce inflation.if the diesel prices increase, the lorry,trucks will be most affected . this will make the cost of transporting goods to go high.this will further increase the already increasing inflation.
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