see the difference....
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Some times this happens.It is based on the fate written by god.

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Good one this one also i read number of times in facebook
Thinking differently makes us to be a winner in the world.

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Good one this one also i read number of times in facebook

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This is reality.One may not be successful after a hard work.Luck is also a factor.
Yes, if we do hard work also but luck should also support

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is reality.One may not be successful after a hard work.Luck is also a factor.

I don't beleive in luck.

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Abid we should believe first hard work but with hard work luck also should support us so we should believe in luck also

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If we work hard also some times luck need to support us. then only we can able to achieve the goal in our life.

If luck does not support but how much hard work you do also no use

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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