A 21 year old guy had worn a pair of contact lenses during a barbecue party.(An event or meal at which food is cooked outdoors over an open grill or fire)
While barbecuing he stared at the fire charcoals continuously for 2-3 minutes.
After a few minutes, he started to scream for help and moved rapidly, jumping up and down.
No one in the party knew why he was doing this?
Then he admitted into the Hospital, the doctor said he'll be blind permanently because of the contact lenses that he had worn.
Contact lenses are made by plastics, and the heat from the charcoal melted
his contact lenses.


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Very informative article from sasikantji. Will try to give this message to my friends who wear lenses.
Very informative. thanks for the information however contact lenses has get rid of us from the problem of wearing spectacles but they have their own risks which are very dangerous .
Oh God! That's too bad. Thanks Sasikanth for this guidelines. I am thinking to buy lenses. I will keep thess lines in my mind.
This post is very significant for everyone who uses not only contact lens but any other artificial aid. It is necessary to take necessary precautions and be informed of all risks associated.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank God sasikanth, I was in plan to get contact lens. This forum is really useful for me

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

this post is superb...better to wear glasses and leave out the contact glasses out of the equation.
how heavily you have to pay for a minute laziness or ignorance. thanks for sharing this.
very good alert to contact lens user.It is better to wear glasses.It is in low cost also.

Good information shared. This is very useful to lens user.

Thanks for sharing.

Be positive
Oh god. very shocking news.Thanks for sharing this informative news with us.

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