How could we control animal crimes? Still lot of cows,boffalows etc die by cutting them painfully should we control it anyway . I think we shold control and do something for atleast big animals.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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There should be serious laws against the animal crimes.We also must take responsibility about this crimes.

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If everyone stop eating big animals then this crimes can be control. Actually person who cutting them is not reason for this crime because they are doing this for money . Giving pain is not the actual aim . person who eat them is resposible for this.

Santosh Kumar Singh


There is society for prevention of cruelty to animals. We should have with us phone number and address of such organization in our city and report to them. I had noticed that a courier agency in Agra received varieties of live snakes for delivery to some one. The matter was immediately reported to newspapers, local police and wild life department, Immediate action was taken and concerned persons were imprisoned.

This is a case of slaughter of animals. Cow slaughter is banned in U.P. and there are many political and social organizations acting on receiving complaint. However, there is no ban on slaughter of other animals and so we can hardly do anything. But even then there are regulations for hygiene and avoiding needless cruelty while slaughtering. This aspect is looked after municipal authorities and complaint can be made to concerned authorities.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think Mumbai is main place for animal crimes I saw one case on This bakrid. some people bring cow meat openly and public done nothing.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think Mumbai is main place for animal crimes I saw one case on This bakrid. some people bring cow meat openly and public done nothing.

Whether you like or not, slaughter of goats is lawful. I do not know whether there is ban on cow slaughter in Mumbai. There is such ban in U.P. and so the political and social organizations intervene immediately on knowing cow slaughter.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes and thanks for your sharing on this. I like people more who support to stop this kind crimes.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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