After eating sweets better avoid drinking chilled water due to this the cancer is caused.

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how is this possible . sugar will intermix with water and dissolve in it . where is the cancer here.

just go to the link i think you will get some information from here.

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Drinking cold water after having sweets or dinner does not lead to cancer and the author in the article justifies the same. Normally the food or liquid we take changes into our body temperature inside the body. Perhaps the things that causes us prone to cancer is smoking, excessive expose under the sun etc as mentioned by the author in the article...!
Hmmm so sassi i think you must read this article carefully as this article clearly says that cold water never causes caner .
Isha i got this message two years back also.Now it came famous so i thought to share this with you all.

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Nice and important article shared here and thank you Sasi for sharing.
i still doesnt get the theme....yesterday i ate some sweets and drank pepsi soon after will i get cancer tomorrow?
This is the just the news i shared whether it may or may not.

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soft drinks are malnutrition these days these may cause cancer .
Every thing in nature which has mixed with chemical compounds cause cancer.

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