People are considering today's day as auspicious and some are buying car and many other things.

What will you do on this auspicious day?
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I dont know why today is considered auspicious but i too go with sasi's opinion if at all I have enough money.
it is different day far from other days of the year.
Numbers do not matter. I shall purchase anything according to need and not on the said auspicious days.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

There is nothing auspicious today. It is same as yesterday. You should remember that it is just a marketing strategy by the companies to sell their products.. Remember akshayathritheeya.
Today also like others days for me. I will do my routine works
Numbers do not matter. I shall purchase anything according to need and not on the said auspicious days.

Gulshanji, as you said "Numbers do not matter"

Then why do people believe in Numerology? Do you believe in numerology horoscopes?
There is nothing auspicious today. It is same as yesterday. You should remember that it is just a marketing strategy by the companies to sell their products.. Remember akshayathritheeya.

i completely agree with you on this view.
I will try to make this day a auspicious one by going to the temple and praying before god. No shopping for me today.
It is just like a day.There is speciality only when we omit 20 in 2011 which is our own creation for a surprise.

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