These hotels are a new concept in Hotel Industry. Do you know what they are.
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This is what the boutique hotels means

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

thank you sarala for giving the knowledgable link to us. :) :laugh: :cheer:

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I am not clear. Sarala can you explain me in short and simple way. What is boutique hotel?
simply boutique hotels are grouped hotels with lot of comforts and luxury

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thanks Sarala. Now I am clear.
Pinakiji, boutique hotel is truely a good innovative idea in hotel industries. I appreciate this.
simply boutique hotels are grouped hotels with lot of comforts and luxury

is this similar to 5 star hotels?
thanks sarala for making this very clear and yes i think it is something like 5 star hotels . though not sure about it.
I think boutique hotels are differnt with 5 star hotels.Sarala clarify about this to us.

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