It is a good decision on the part of Bengal CM Mamta Bannerji coming out against the rise in petrol by the Petrol companies and the Central Govt.? She has given a clear indication of getting out of the Govt. ministry if the prices are not taken back. But will she stick to her decision or not is the main question.
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I think she will stick to her decision. She is doing this mainly for her state people. Rest is just political funda.
i hope it is not just another political gimmick..
Mamata always thinks for the people and for this she is in the chair of CM after a long time in PashimBanga.She is the leader of Maa,Mati and Manush.Her life style is very normal.There ia no alligation against her still now after a long period of ministry.
Atlast some good decision is taken by her and i think her firm decision will continue.
I think yes. Mamta Banerjee will stick to her decision and she is doing right thing by opposing continuous rate hike of petrol.
Mamata banerjee is a shrewd and crooked politician. She will do anything to stay in power though this may benefit people in West Bengal. she secretly allied with Maoists just as Indira had done with Punjab extreme separatists. She used Railway Portfolio to mobilize people's support in West Bengal at cost of rest of India. Now again she may get some concession for the state people by ignoring interests of entire nation. She may definitely change her position and successfully blackmail the vulnerable central leadership.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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