1. Try to wash your hair atleast twice in a week. if thrice it is more good.
2. Never comb your hair when it is wet.
3. Some people advice to apply lime juice to hair, it is a big blunder if you apply you will loose your hair.
4. Try comb your hair most on big teeth side of the comb.
5.Before washing your hair apply oil atleast one hour before. if you apply the before day it is more good.So that after washing your hair, your hair will be soft and healthy.
6. while you go in hot sun try to cover your hair or else hair will be effected by the sun and gets dry and there may be splits problem also.
7. while washing hair try to wash your hair from inside that means scratch slowly inside the hair so that the dart and the dandruff inside the hair will get removed.
8. Try to be with relaxed mind this helps in not loosing the hair.
9. Try have leafy vegetables as much as you can.
10. Don't use more chemicals contained shampoos
11.Trim your hair once in every month- girls
12 Trim your hair whenever its length increased - Boys
13. Treat your hair so gently dont treat roughly.
14. try to used municipal water for hair washing so that there will be less hair fall.
15. if you use bore water then due to it hair fall increases. because bore water contains calcium.
17.Never keep your hair tightly.
18. always keep your hair loosely as air should move inside also.
19.According to you diet and weight your growth of the hair depends.
20.Curd is the best conditioner for hair.so its better to apply curd to hair before one hour of the hair wash. after the hair wash your hair will be silky and shiny.
21. white egg yolk is also a good conditioner. this gives health to the hair.
22. having more water is good for the sebaceous glands to produce by the hair.which help hair not to get dry.
23. Never wash your hair continuously. because your hair may become dry.
24. Try to comb your hair atleast twice a day.
25. Try to massage your hair so that it will be good exercise for the nerves conected to their and there will be good blood circulation and the hair growth will be increased.
26. for every month our hair grows one inch.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Thank you sarala for your tips this will help me more.

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Thanks Sarala for sharing vital tips about keeping hair healthy and how to prevent hair fall.
Nice sharing sarala . I will use now curd for hairs as I thought that curd is not useful for hair but I was wrong .
guys these all tips are implemented by me and produced over hear. so there is no need to fear about these tips to use.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thankyou sarala after implementing you told to us this is a nice move by you.

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yes sasikanth. without implementing and suggesting to the people and if they got reacted on them . all this are very dangerous. so suggesting people after implementation is a good thing so that we will be confidence and everyone will be happy with good result

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nice girl sarala you are the good person thinking of others sake.

Hats off to you.

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thank you sasikanth.I follow this policy before we thing of our self we need to think of others

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

No need of thanks to me i just appreciated for the good thing you had done.

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Nice tips and thanks sarala for sharing it. Is there any way to protect hair from premature greying. :)
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