The dhoni and bindra had joined the army.

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Yes, saw this news in yahoo before.

But how can they serve for army? Really surprise to know this.
That has surprised me too.
But,as they have played important role in raising the tri-color,so they are given such honor.
Its not correct,but..... can't do anything.

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yes i have also watched this news on TV .
It is a great honour for these gentlemen to be made to the rank of General Colonels by the army. Dhoni and Bindra have made India proud in their field of specialisation. But is it of any use to them if they are not able to participate actively?
i think almost 2 years back former cricketeer kapil dev and malayalee actor mohanlal were provided this same rank-lieutenant colonel.
now the count has become 4 not 2.
similarly sachin is conferred the rank of an air force wing captain.
If Sachin Tendulkar can get honour from Indian Air Force then this is also possible. May be from sports quota, Dhoni and Bindra have joined army.
no devyani .. these guys have not joined army/air force.they have been conferred a post.this is just like being awarded manof the match award or something.
This is a prestigious post given to them.Before this many are awarded with this like Kapil and Sachin.
The honour is indeed prestigious but no one know what will they do if such position is given.
they do not have any specific job. They will serve as ambassadors of indian army around the country.
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