The recent studies is saying the daily taking of coconut water makes heart healthy.

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this is a nice news sasikanth thanks for sharing. share somemore about coconut about health

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Actually, coconut water is natural and pure water. It is good for heart as well as for skin and hairs too. I believe that it can cure many diseases.
Coconut water has many benefits to human body.

Thanks for sharing.
Does anyone got relief from stomach pain and Nausea caused due to gastric problem from coconut water? It is considered to be medicine in curing different problems.
The continuous drinking of coconut water in the morning and evening for 15 days causes good relief from Gastric problem.

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Thank you said by: Rajani K
In summer season.i take it regularly and in later days,whenever i see coconut in market,i drink.

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It is best in summer season than other season.It keeps body cool and healthy in that season.

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Nice information shared about coconut It has many important features.
I wanted to ask here all the members,how many use are there of Cocunut. I want exact number.
Can you tell me?

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Coconut is a really healthy fruit. In fact, no part of a coconut goes waste as each and every part of a coconut has some kind of uses.
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