can i resubmit my once rejected articles
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No you cannot submit the rejected articel.If you have any doubt you can contact with moderator or admin.

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Dear Deepak

Can I know for what reason your article was rejected?

The thing is, we cannot submit article that is rejected

What you can do is you can edit the content and rewrite the article with your own words.

If your article has appeared else where, then you have to rewrite the article and hopefully you can submit it!


Swetha Shenoy
If you make changes in article then i think youm can resubmit it but once please concern with admnistration.
If the admin agreed you can resubmit the article by editing . :)

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yes, you can submit but you need to make changes which are suggested and for what reason your article has been rejected

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Deepak don't resubmit it. Write another article where you can add the data of the rejected article but the sentence and vocabulary should be different. Change it a bit and make it a new article.

May be this would work for you.
You can resubmit the articles only after editing some of the work.
Find the reason first if not stated in the comment of editor. Then you can edit as per suggestion and re-submit it.
thankyou guys ..i have resubmitted and i got it approved...thankyou everyone for your advice...
Whenever your article gets rejected at that time they will give you reason of rejecting it. So if you can change your rejected article then make changes and better to submit it as a new one.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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