This Black Mamba was caught on camera close to some graves near a sugarcane plantation in Richards Bay, South Africa. Estimated to be about 6 and half meters long. Estimated Age been 45, born around 1960. Has enough venom to kill 400 men

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BlackMamba.jpg (You do not have access to download this file.)

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My god It is so horrible.Just see it is so much long. If i see it in original i will fell down .
This one so dangerous snake when it saw us we cant escape from it.

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its a nice pic, however some people have their doubts on the authenticity of this pic.

check out :


Thank you pearl leo for providing the link to us. :) :)

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Its beautiful. But hope I don't see it anywhere near me. Again a good picture by sasikanthji. Thanks for the same.
Friends from where you have collected this data, I don't know. I liked it. This is very interesting and knowledgeable. I feel scare to see this snake in picture. Horrible rattle.
Oh my god it is so long.I never seen it any where that much long even in discovery i didnt see. that much long i saw is anakonda

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Previously i have seen snakes at my place but this is unique spieces and very dangerous indeed according to the information. :sick: I felt very sick after seeing it.
When i saw the image of the snake i scared after reading the information i am already in koma.

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