Why is the time differerence in the site according to our timings?

Is this site belongs to Our country or Other country.

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I too felt that difference few days ago. Hope the site administrator will clear this point.

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The site belongs to our country but is being operated from abroad. Hence, for technical reasons, the time zone is other than I.S.T.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thank you said by: Ronark Bhardwaj, Sasikanth
Thank you gulshan ji .you cleared our doubts. :laugh: :woohoo: :whistle:

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it is due to difference in sun rise and sun set timings.
In this moment the time of site is same with our time.After checking I am saying.

The site belongs to our country but is being operated from abroad. Hence, for technical reasons, the time zone is other than I.S.T.

the server time is almost 10 hours behind..can you tell me from which country it is being operated?
Ram you had not seen correctly the time is different to our time check once.

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yes there is a difference in time and if it is operated from outside ,which country,it is just the curiosity to know from where it is operated.
Vidhimayur, this website is operated from united states thats why there is the time difference

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you sarala even me dont know that this is operated from us.

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