Diabetics can be cured be bariatric surgery.This is the latest news.

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Woh! that's nice. How much cost this surgery would take? Within how many days, patient would get cure?
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I think such surgeries can give temporary relief. Still there may be chances of getting it again.
Diabetes,B.P,etc such type of diseases couldn't be cured,you can just have control on it,till the certain limit in your life.

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If it is happened then really this may be a good news and nice link shared

This is really a good news for the people who are suffering from diabetics.I will surely announce this to all of the people in my families who are suffering from this. thank you for sharing sasikanth

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is really good news for those who are suffering from diabetes and hope this works in curing the ailment and curing it completely...!
What is this surgery? Do you know the cost of this and where it is offered?

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I dont know how much it costs but it will be available soonely in hyderabad.

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I dont know how much it costs but it will be available soonely in hyderabad.

"It will be available soon at Hyderabad" is right ussage.

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