Today is called world food day.

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This day is made to make a little awareness to the people who uses food in large proportion. We should take food adequate and not to waste it . Proper use of food should be done.

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You are right.Many of us dont know the value of food A little peace may clear once hunger.

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THe day is not for eating too much.It is to remember the starved people in various parts of the world.

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yes this day is important to take care of diet we used to eat .in the modern time obesity is increased due to main consumption of fast food which also increases the disease rates.
Proper use of any resources can really be very used for future needs and as food is most important thing it should never be wasted. Hope instead of wasting the food, people start giving the food to poor/needy people.
Recently I have to take an awraeness class on modern food styles and life styles which are the cause of all our diseases.

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