In India I CAN Proudly say 2day after DELHI blast (where 12 ppl lost there INNOCENT LIFE) ,tht there is RECORD Growth in BOMB BLAST INDIA ....

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It was horrible blast. People who suffered in blast, lost their body parts. Lack of security has resulted such in this blast.
This is a horrible news but we beleive in unity so none could not devide us.
yes bomb blasts are increased in the recent time. indian security need to enhance more to avoid terrorists to enter in the country.
Recently that bomb blasts has increased more in our country due to lack of tight security.Even terrorists can enter our country easily like a common man they can bring the weapons like a luggage in to our country.

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Bomb blast in our country is taking place every now and then and I think these blasts are just making a mockery of our security and administration.I think its high time for the government to take it seriously and do something to stop this menace...!
Yes, lack of proper security is the main cause and even of repeated attacks the same situation continues.
Only those people would understand the bomb blast more better who have lost their relatives in bomb blast. Someone has lost their Son,daughter,mother,brother. Its not easy for them to read the news of blast.

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