Here you can have your own view about our Indian politics, politicians, etc., relating to Politics
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I think the Indian politics needs a lot of amendments and first and the foremost thing is that they needs to come out of corruption. The leaders need to be free from criminal backgrounds and they should devote their power, time and energy in the service of the common people. If these preliminary things get sorted out then surely we can hope to see a brighter and better India...!
Thank you said by: Babu G
But all politicians are not corrupted.I am agree with Ajoy that the leaders need to be free from criminal backgrounds and they should devote their power, time and energy in the service of the common people.
We can not say who is clean and who is corrupted in politics because this time politics is most dirty place of India due to no act rule for politicians crimes.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Politics is just like a high drain. If you want it clean, someone should step down to clean it. While doing so, person himself becomes dirty and suffer from lots of diseases.
Many politicians have illegal wives, illegal children and illegal bank accounts. They are addicted to alchohol or drugs or cigrets or cigars. That's their personal affair.
When we talk about country, many politician shouts for such things which we deserve. Few of them keep their promises.
Not only in India, people has complain about politicians and politics in other countries too.

India has crossed almost all limits and barriers of corruptions. Who ever joins politics or even talk to a politician, they think they are king. They can do anything they just feel like. Problem lies in our mind also. We choose our leader who represent us in the world, expecting that he or she would do something better for our survival.

Nobody has dare to clean high drain. We abuse municipalty or garbage officers. In reality, they are good social workers. They themselves become dirty to make us feel better and healthy. In return they get little salary, paid by the government.
Thank you said by: Babu G
Now a days Indian politicians are not much honest. Even politics has become a business to earn alot of money it is like easy money

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is imprudent to expect the current politicians to have same idealism as that in freedom struggle leaders. Now, Politics is also a career like engineering, medicine, teaching. If politics is dirty, other fields are dirtier. There are kidney selling doctors, contract copying schools, corrupt engineers, businessmen. Politicians are also from same environment and they cannot be better than others.

It is no use blaming politicians. If so called 'honest and corruption free (actually they only pretend) really wish clean politics, they must enter politics either by joining the existing political parties or form new one and work for betterment. By remaining aloof from politics and mere lecturing, organizing mobs, they will achieve nothing and cause only anarchic and unlawful conditions.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Every one is clean before entering after the entrance they will corrupt.

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Why should we expect other to be good first lets try to be good by not giving bribe, etc.,
Yes , I have some view about politics. Not every politician are corrupt.The situation makes them to act like that.
indian politics can be made good only with sincere leaders.
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