Two baby old baby girl rescued after being buried.

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Madhya Pradesh had the highest number of recorded cases of both female feticide and infanticide in 2009.
The farmer should be reworded for his greatness.
yes farmer should be rewarded . other side it is very bad that parents throw out their unwanted child.
after a baby child born the doctors must inform in police station.So that the cases will reduce slowly.

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Really, a cute baby.

This is a shameful act. Her parents should be and given fitting punishments.

Be positive
Now a days these kind of incidents are taking place in my town also that may be due by parents or doctors carelessness

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This is a very dismal situation and the culprits needs to be punished (in this case the parents of the child). By doing this an example could be set for others that this kind of injustice against girl child could not be tolerated any more...!
correct ajay...this is the need of the hour..such atrocities cannot be forgiven in any case.
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