Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, including one of an Indian-origin, have identified a gene that could explain why some people are more susceptible to diabetes.

The gene, found in tests on obese mice, controls tomosyn-2 and acts as a brake on insulin secretion from the pancreas.

"It's too early for us to know how relevant this gene will be to human diabetes, but the concept of negative regulation is one of the most interesting things to come out of this study and that very likely applies to humans," says lead researcher Alan Attie.

The researchers found tomosyn-2 while searching for genes that contribute to diabetes susceptibility in obese mice.

Genetic analyses and comparisons of obese diabetes-resistant and diabetes-susceptible mouse strains revealed a single amino acid difference that destabilizes the tomosyn-2 protein in the diabetes-resistant mice, effectively releasing the brake on insulin secretion and allowing those animals to release enough insulin to avoid diabetes.

Though diabetes is highly unlikely to be caused by a single gene, identifying important biological pathways can suggest clinically useful targets.

This study shows the power of genetics to discover new mechanisms for a complex disease like type 2 diabetes," concludes co-lead author Sushant Bhatnagar.
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The research looks very apt as diabetes in human can be genetical too. However, now-a-days there is no specify reason for getting it. :huh:
The major cause is less physical activity and rich food. Those doing only mental work and sitting only mostly suffer from diabetes.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes gulshan ji explained us clearly why it is genetical.....

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@ Rajani

I agree with you. Diabetes is even occur through genes also. as my grand fa used to have so now my mom is having

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think diabetes is more due to stress and heredity. I feel pain in my body every time some one told me to have a test of diabetes so today I have gone to a lab to get my blood tested I will get the report tomorrow lets see what happens but I am 75% sure that I am diabetic because my parents are. :blink:
I think diabetes is more due to stress and heredity. I feel pain in my body every time some one told me to have a test of diabetes so today I have gone to a lab to get my blood tested I will get the report tomorrow lets see what happens but I am 75% sure that I am diabetic because my parents are. :blink:

Yes, if parents have diabetics, more chances are there to pass it to next generation.
My father has diabetics.......and my hubby's mother too.....
So, we two can surely expect it at our 50's or 60's.

Meera sandhu
I think diabetes is more due to stress and heredity. I feel pain in my body every time some one told me to have a test of diabetes so today I have gone to a lab to get my blood tested I will get the report tomorrow lets see what happens but I am 75% sure that I am diabetic because my parents are. :blink:

Yes, if parents have diabetics, more chances are there to pass it to next generation.
My father has diabetics.......and my hubby's mother too.....
So, we two can surely expect it at our 50's or 60's.

But I am just 37 years and I feel I am diabetic. These days people with less age also getting diseased which people used to get in old age. :dry: :blink:
SJ, It is better to have sugar blood test, then there will be no tension at all. So why late, go and have the test.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ram Prosad this is very informative thread. In general if a person does not work hard and has lots of tension, he may suffer from sugar problem. Adhere to this, if he consumes lots of sugar or sweet food items, he may also suffer from diabetes.
Diabetes causes heart problem itseems this is very horrible disease. the people who are suffering from diabetes , for them any injury is happened it wont heal easily

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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