Describe the difference between the intranet and internet.

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The Intranet is a private network that is only available to the selected users. For example a college campus may be well connected with an intranet connection or a modern office could have this facility. The best part is that it has got more security and works at very high speed when compared with internet which is again a very less secure network as it is available for everyone...!
Nice explanation by Ajoy about difference between intranet and internet.
Intranet is limited network and is generally local whereas Internet is global and may be collection of such Intranets.
Good and clearfull explanation given by the ajay.Thanks for this information........

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Intranet is local connectivity which also known as lan connection. Internet is the world wide web . it is a set of networks is know as internet which connects around the world

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

the concept is well explained here.good and useful forum post
Intranet is a type of private network in which only authorized people are allowed to enter whereas Internet is a network in which every human being on this planet can enter , provided he has internet connection.

Intranet network is usually setup in corporate companies.
Intranet is a connection with lan. that means only for local at one company only it can be used .

Internet is a collection of networks and this is a wan connection and it is used by world wide that is nothing but world wide web

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nice explanation sarala i understood it clearly of your explanation.Good job by you.

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Intranet is network established in specific area like in an office or in building to exchange data files while internet is the network established in world wide.
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