The iit is going to develop the earth quake warning system.

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This will help precautionary measures to save life and property. This is welcome news.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

this will surely helpful to the people. as we have weather warning so in the same way we will have earth quake warnings.

But scientists also trying to avoid earth quakes by keeping current shock to the earth quake

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

good news now indians are also intelligent to invent such device.
This will make our country proud and many lives are saved by our country.

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This is a good news indeed. It may save many lives and property.
System which help to save life means its best system in the world and there should be contineous development in this systems.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I agree with santosh. The system to save life means it is a good news

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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