from past years we are aware of the word credit cards, that many of us might be using it now. by using these credit cards are we getting benefited from it or we are loosing any thing?

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Credit cards is best when used in a good way otherwise you will face a lot of problems.

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Eventhough I enquired about it , none are giving clear cut idea.So I understood that it is not good for the pocket of an ordinary man.

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Well to some it is benificial to have while for others it is not. Best way is to find out about the type of credit card you need and would be it annual fees, credit limit and transaction charges etc.

It has its pros and cons and if you have suitable and steady income you could have one but don't forget to use it in a planned manner...!
[quote]Eventhough I enquired about it , none are giving clear cut idea.So I understood that it is not good for the pocket of an ordinary man. [/quote]

Abid, actually I find it to be very useful since I don't have to carry extra cash with me around. If you stick within your limits, that is buy only so much that you can pay back, then credit card is not at all harmful, but always pay back as soon as you can and not extend the credit limit!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Credit card helps us to do banking payment when we have no cash or less cash in hand for payment. Credit card has both advantages and disadvantages. If you use credit card smartly, it is advantage. If you lavishly use this card, you get heavy credit card bill to pay. At the same time, if it is lost, you loose your money.
I don't use credit card in fear as I have seen that many get extra bill even get same bill after paying for the same.
I have used my credit card for shopping.It is advantageous,but i don't think a middle class people can use,because sometimes,amount we pay exceeds,due to tax. I prefer it when there is necessity,otherwise i don't like to use it.

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I have used my credit card for shopping.It is advantageous,but i don't think a middle class people can use,because sometimes,amount we pay exceeds,due to tax. I prefer it when there is necessity,otherwise i don't like to use it.

Credit card has nothing to do with standard of living. You can have credit card which has minimum credit limit. This is affordable by middle class people also. Accordingly tax limit also varies.
Credit Card , Visa Card and Master Card, etc are different forms of plasic money with which we can do our banking transactions. They are basically provided to middle class people to do payments during shopping when they have minimum cash balance in hand.
If I talk about rich people, such cards are for them also but they use it at each and every intervals. They hardly use face such emergency. Likewise, their bill and card limit also depends.
Very few people in India prefer banking payments.
Devyani ji,i just wanted to say that the common people who earns very less,cannot afford to use credit card. Normally people use credit card very less. Thats it.

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