Anna hazare resembles our forgotten PM Lal bahadur shastri.

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The comparison is inapt. Lal bahadur Shastri was a very competent Prime Minister. He had vision of Jai Jawan jai Kissan, which would give us self sufficiency in food and military power. Lal Bahadur shastri believed in rule of law as against the lawless anna team who in spite of populist slogans have only negativity, chaos and anarchy on their agenda.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i don' think lal bahadur shashtri would have ever select a such type of step as anna to keep fast to accept the laws defined by their team.
i don' think lal bahadur shashtri would have ever select a such type of step as anna to keep fast to accept the laws defined by their team.

Unlike ana team, Lal bahadur shastri actually participated in the political process, he was totally honest and sincere. As Railway Minister, he resigned because he owned responsible for a railway accident. He cannot be compared to irresponsible and lawless mobocrats.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes Lal Bahadur Sastri Was a famous politician, honest P.M. and rail way minister.
I dont think they two are comparable in anyway. The motos are different. The common thing in both of them is sincerity.
I agree with Rajani, both are not comparable in anyway. They are different personality with different approaches. Also, from whatever I have heard and read about Lal bahadur shastri, I respect him much more than I respect Anna. He was truly an iron man.
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