It's cross-border terror of a different kind. India is on high alert against the deadly polio virus coming into the country from Pakistan and the health ministry has asked the Punjab government to mandatorily vaccinate all children aged 0-5 years coming to India from Pakistan.

Booths have been set up at the Wagah border for people coming from Pakistan by foot or by the Indo-Pak bus service. Immunization officers have also been pressed into duty at the Attari station for passengers taking the train from Pakistan. The booths will administer polio drops every day for the next four months, considered to be the high transmission time for the contagious virus.

Pakistan till now has recorded 84 cases of polio of which 83 are of the P1 strain – the most dangerous since it travels faster and infects more people.
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its really strange . our government is applying best services to remove the attack of polio.
pakistan is so strange sometimes it tries to spread the terror of terrorism and sometimes take the shelter of diseases
I agree with Isha, it is really strange. I dont think awarness is there in Pakistan. Polio vaccine has been from long time then why do they negelect?
I think Pakistan is far behind from India.They are in first position in terrorism only.
indian military shouldn't allow those people who are virus infected to make out people save. as there is not a single case of polio in india now.
Isha it is difficult to judge so maybe this cross border spreading of virus is occuring. They must give awarness as India did in rural areas where most cases are reported. I think pakistan is not at all concern about anything neither terrorism nor diseases, Life is just nothing for them. :huh:
you are right rajni
Our government is taking major steps every year to remove it but the government dont know where it is coming now they must take steps to remove it.

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